I found this road near my place with a short, but somewhat steep, two-tiered climb.
I also found out that it has 100 ft of elevation to it.
Saturday I decided to start doing some work on it. I figured 1000 ft is a good round number, and not too crazy of a work out. I went up and down it 10 times in somewhere around 40 something minutes. I'm gonna start keep track to see if there is any progress. I'm thinking my might just make it an hr workout and see how many accents I can make in that time.
When I was done with that foolishness, it was time for the 512 one year party.
Man, it was a long wait. About an hr and 20.
It was sooooo worth it.

Got home around 6 ish and felt like riding.
I text a friend: "Greenbelt at 7:45?"
He says: "You Crazy? After all that beer?"
I say: "No, Yes. Don't worry, Ill be wearing my DC socks"
I also posted up: http://www.bikemojo.com/speak/showthread.php?t=78815
It turned out to be a solo run. Much fun. I jumped on the tail of some racers on my way out.
Sunday I also didn't wake earlier enough for a group ride, but the heat was down considerably so I went out around noon. I was going to do the belt again with a friend, but my chain had other ideas.
This was the first real mechanical Ive had on the SS, so no biggie.
Today I hope to make the Mojo SS ride.
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