I am friends with past riders, but this year I was involved a little.
I became friends with a person that has been featured in this here record of personal history.
She was not a cyclist when I met her. Sure, she was fit and rode a bike to campus, but never anything intense, and never had she ridden a road bike.
She seemed nice, and was a housemate of a friend, so I started riding with her.
On the first road ride to start her Texas 4000 training, we jumped right into Highway 360. We didn't make it to the bridge that day, but she was a trooper and cranked up the bee caves hill without stopping.
She rode with passion.
Her progression from that day has been awesome to see.
I am joining them tomorrow for the Atlas ride. Some buddies and I are going to...

...giving us a nice juicy century.
If I'm feeling super humanistic, I may even wind up at the Full Moon Ride too...
To all the T4K riders, I wish you best on your epic ride. See you tomorrow!!!!
how did it go?!